Sunday, January 31, 2010


June 20, 2007 11:54:41 PM EDT
Subject: time

Time is a funny thing. Mostly we don't seem to have enough of it because the work-week takes so much of it, and so we're always rushing, rushing and never quite getting everything in. Ideally vacation would be different - suddenly, because we don't have to go to work, we have entire days in front of us to do whatever it is that we wish to do. But that isn't reality, either.

And that is what Nia and I are faced with. On vacation, days and days stretch out in front of us, and yet we just can't seem to fit everything in. Although we're doing our very best - and having a great time doing it! - our days are staying full well into the evenings, and some things are being cut from our plan, as loose as it is.

Yet still, we try to change that concrete what is; somehow make it so that we have more time to do more things. Every night in the hotel we plan our route for the next day, where we want to go, and what we have to scrap, make reservations for where we're going to stay. We hunt down grocery stores and discuss how much time multiple potty breaks and scenic views will add onto our sightseeing/drive time. Generally we figure how long we can ooo and ahh at all the pretty sights, and then how long it will take us to drive to the next hotel. Usually on the drive we discuss the hotel, will it have a jacuzzi? a pool? will we get there in time to use them?

As it goes we always figure we'll get to the hotel around nine at night. We look at the mileage, we figure the time and accept that we're going to have to settle for hot baths or hot showers rather than bubbly chlorinated water and soothing jets. And yet it never fails that while we're driving, and discussing our various hot water options, wistful pining for relaxing soaks, that I will pull out the atlas and re-figure our time. And always, it's still nine o'clock. You just can't bend time.

But today was a little different. We stayed the night at Bryce Canyon last night, and this morning - early! - we went touring. It was beautiful, of course! The towering red columns, the deep green tree-filled canyons and the blue, blue sky. Tall mesas surround everything, the pits and groves in the sides showing the signs of wear, the promise of more beauty to come, after the beauty that is finally collapses into dust - basically we're staring at Mother Nature's chosen medium, and her sculptures both finished and in progress. It's almost too much for camera-happy folk like Nia and I.

We finished Bryce around two in the afternoon, and made the drive to Zion. Arches National Park was gorgeous, Bryce was awe-inspiring, but words cannot describe Zion. Why don't people talk about this place? Do they not come here? Does everyone blow by Zion on the way to her more famous sister, The Grand Canyon? It's all about the marketing, I think, and Zion needs a new ad exec.

We got here around 4 in the afternoon. We were both tired, so we've elected to see Zion more thoroughly tomorrow. We checked into our hotel where we were finally able to harness enough time to allow us to lounge around the pool for a few hours. Eventually we got hungry, and the sun was going down, so we dressed and went wandering. Springdale is the name of this place, about a mile outside of the park. Rather trendy, kitschy, but cute in a touristy sort of way. We found out today that last night, when we registered online, it was one of the last reservations in town. Nia and I are thanking her lucky kokopelli for fortune we've been having.

The wireless doesn't work in the rooms here, but it was 109 today, so now, at 9:42 at night, the sun is down, and it's still warm. I'm sitting outside the hotel office - the only place where wireless is working - there are two men and another woman - we all have our laptops out, slapping at bugs and enjoying the warm night air. Time may run short a lot, hurry being the norm, but every now and again we are given the opportunity to enjoy what's right in front of us. I'm having one of those moments now, and believe me, I'm loving it.

Mileage: 89 Time: 2 hours Destination: Zion, then the Grand Canyon

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